EFFECTS OF COLD ON HEALTH - most vulnerable elderly, children, people with compromised cardiac systems and immune systems
Ratio Deaths from Cold vs. Deaths from Heat = 18:1
Ratio of deaths associated with low temperatures compared to high temperatures.
An analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of U.S. temperature-related deaths between 2006 and 2010 showed that 63% were attributable to cold exposure, while only 31% were attributable to heat exposure. In Australia and the United Kingdom, cold-related mortality between 1993 and 2006 exceeded heat-related mortality by an even greater margin—and is likely to do so through at least the end of the century. Researchers who evaluated 74 million U.K. and U.S. deaths reported in May 2015 that low temperatures are associated with 7.3% of all deaths versus just 0.4% for high temperatures, a ratio of more than 18 to 1.
“You try to focus on the high-exposure situations, and sometimes you don’t realize that the important impact can be much higher for mild exposures”