=================== PRESS RELEASES ==================
Provided to the Press by Youra Media
For Immediate Release – Sept 15, 2023
TITLE: Books
Contact: Dan Youra
Publisher and Editor
Youra Media
Seattle, WA
Books Published by Youra Media
Books: Climate Cartoon Books 7/4/23
Humor and Satire : A Look at the Delusions of Political Leaders on Global Warming
The Book of Carbon by Dan Youra
10 Commandments for Climate Dreamers by Dan Youra
C(lie)mate Chains: The Lie That Enslaves Us by Dan Youra
Look. Here's the Deal by Dan Youra
Three medical manuals written by the US Army can help individuals survive the threats of freezing weather. Prevention and treatment are stressed. Graphic photos of amputated limbs display the devastating results of frostbite. Charts teach the critical time and temperature that can result in death by hypothermia.
The three, survival manuals are reprinted and sold with the permission of the US Army by Washington publisher, Dan Youra, in
A Cool Book series.
Two of the books are Medical Aspects of Cold Environments (260 pages) and Pictorial Atlas of Freezing Cold Injury (177 color photos) originally printed by the US Army Department of Medicine in its Medical Aspects of Harsh Environments, Vol 1 (2001). The third book, Prevention and Management of Cold Weather Injuries, (103 pages) is a reprint of The Surgeon General's Technical Bulletin MED-508 (2005).
Books in A Cool Book series can be downloaded to a computer for $2.50 each. The complete set of three books can be downloaded for $6.50. Two manuals are available on Amazon: Medical Aspects of Cold Environments ($12) and Pictorial Atlas of Freezing Cold Injury. ($14)
The publisher Dan Youra was born in Wisconsin and graduated from the University of Wisconsin. He attended graduate schools at The Ohio State University and the University of Michigan. He currently lives and works in Washington State, where he publishes magazines, books, and maps.
Dan Youra is a writer and illustrator, who founded Youra Media in 1986. He is the author of The Carbon Book and has more than 40 years experience in publishing books and magazines. He started his first website in 1995. He is reviewed as "a pioneer in the Global Village" by Dan Evans, governor of Washington, "a computer whiz" by Emmett Watson, columnist at the Seattle Times, and a "public-relations whiz" by the Seattle Times. Youra is a native of Wisconsin and graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1967. Contact Youra at danyoura@gmail.com
For Immediate Release
July 5,, 2023
Youra Media Contact: Dan Youra
PO Box 743 danyoura@ProtonMail.com
Port Hadlock , WA 98339 360-379-8800
Download 20 Books About Victory Gardens for $2.00 each
Seattle, Washington –– July 5, 2022 –– Dan Youra, owner of Youra Media in Washington State, announces the reprint of twenty books, printed more than one hundred years ago, about the lost arts of backyard gardening and the preservation of food.
The collection of twenty books is branded Victory Garden Books because the situation is not unlike that during World War I and II, when citizens grew food at home during the national emergencies to support the war efforts in Europe and the Pacific.
Now, instead of supporting a war effort, “Victory Gardens” (also known as "War Gardens”) are needed to help citizens learn the lost skills of growing and preserving food for themselves and their neighbors. With current challenges to the world’s food supply from war, climate change, and broken supply chains, the national emergency is to support peoples’ efforts to feed one’s family and friends.
The twenty lost arts books sell for $1.00 each. They are sold as electronic downloads, retaining the old style fonts of the early 20th Century and the style of printing from the pre-World War I period. A person can download all twenty books for a total of twenty dollars. The total number of pages is approximately 3,000 pages, which can be stored on a person’s computer or thumb drive.
The two oldest backyard gardening books in the collection are Window Gardening (1889) and How To Keep a Window Garden (1885). The practice of growing edible plants in south facing windows 135 years ago is an inspiration to folks today to plant their window sills to supplement the food in their cupboard and save money on the food budget.
The common knowledge of cultivating home gardens was lost during the twentieth century, when families left the farms for the cities, when supermarkets replaced the vegetable patch, and when Big Agriculture replaced barnyard manure with industrial chemicals.
Gardening Indoor and Under Glass (1912) by F. F. Rockwell presents in 266 pages ways to build hotbeds, cold frames, and small greenhouses. Rockwell’s larger book with 332 pages is Home Vegetable Gardening (1911).
Two of the eight books on preserving harvests are Canning, Preserving, Pickling and Fruit Desserts (1921) with 216 pages and Dehydration New and Superior Method of Preserving Foods, Fruits, Vegetables, Meats and Fish (1920) with 240 pages.
With the purchase of a book, a customer receives a free download of a 788-page book, published in 1922, titled Cyclopedia of Farm Animals.
Two recipe books in the collection are of special value to modern families seeking their ancestors’ lost knowledge –– the National Course in Home Economics, which is the book in the collection with the most pages, namely 660, printed in 1917 and Cooks In Clover with 176 pages printed in 1889.
The collection includes two book on children in gardens: The Children’ Garden (1904) 44 pages and Children And Gardens (1908) 220 pages.
The sources of the books are private collections, regional and local libraries, and the Library of Congress. The copyrights on the books have expired.
The full collection of twenty Victory Garden Books is accessible online at VictoryGardenBooks.com/.
[To interview Dan Youra call 360-379-8800]
Press Release –– PDF –– Victory Garden Books –– https://youra.net/22/pressrelease/20foodbookslinks.pdf
ART for Press –– LOGO –– Victory Garden Books 200k –– https://youra.net/22/pressrelease/logophoto2.jpg
ART for Press –– COVER –– Home Economics 416k –– https://www.youra.net/22/pressrelease/homeeconomics.jpg
Out of Print Books –– Press Release –– https://www.youra.net/22/pressrelease/out-of-printbooks.pdf
Value old Books –– Press Release –– https://www.youra.net/22/pressrelease/valueoldbooks.pdf
Cyclopedia –– Press Release –– https://youra.net/22/pressrelease/pressreleasecyclopedia.pdf
Dan Youra, Publisher LINKS
Press Release –– PDF Dan Youra, publisher –– https://www.youra.net/22/pressrelease/pressreleasedan.pdf
PHOTO –– PDF Dan Youra, publisher –– https://www.youra.net/22/pressrelease/danyoura.jpg
Website & Reports published by Youra Media – Seattle Washington
© Youra Media 2023