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Provided to the Press by Youra Media
For Immediate Release – Sept 15, 2023
TITLE: CO2 Class Action Suit
Earthlings v Climate Mafia
Contact: Dan Youra
Publisher and Editor
Youra Media
Seattle, WA
Earthlings v Climate Mafia
The Carbon Tax by Any Other Name is Still a Tax
–– anonymous
Carbon tax schemes and gimmicks are gushing out of the halls of all governments. Whether the taxes are paid directly by the citizen or imposed on the corporations and subsequently passed onto the tax paying public, they are all taxes.
Examples of the schemes implemented beyond the carbon tax itself are carbon footprints, carbon offsets, carbon credits, carbon leases, carbon trades, carbon exchanges, net zero, and many more. The primary purpose of each is to raise revenues for the governments that enact them. The environment be damned!
THE climate debate cannot be won in a Battle of the Science. The opponents in the climate debate can argue the science for 76 years until the dawn of the 21st century. And the winner is? No winner! After hundreds of thousands of studies and reports, which side is going to be declared the winner? Obviously, he side with the most funding from the US Congress.
To break the tie and to crown the champion without simply counting the money, the answer is to move the decision into courts where evidence, facts, and truth can have a chance of holding their own without being drowned by the highest funded grant.
The legal mechanism to enable the underdogs to have a fighting chance against Big Government and Big Business is a Class Action Law Suit. The blueprint for winning this is a strategy enabled in the “CO2 Class Action Suit.”
The preliminary draft of such a legal maneuver is the result of many smart people, mostly attorneys and researchers at think tanks. Moreover, in addition to the United States, twenty countries currently have some form of Class Action Suit. Three more are on the verge of implementing them.
The draft document is 34 pages, twelve of which are part of a very helpful appendix, which includes the mechanics of what a class action suit is and how to enable one to help people.
The existential threat to the plan and ultimately to the final outcome is not more or less carbon or carbon dioxide. The existential threat to the human way of life is not the number of greenhouses encircling the planet. The existential threat comes from the ignorance (and stonewalling) of the top decision makers –– the leaders, presidents, senators, members of congress, media, and international organizations.
The school kids, high school students, college and university students, those who society counts on to be educated are brainwashed robots following the latest carbon boogieman. The young have been indoctrinated into the global NewSpeak to such an extreme that they cannot be counted on for any scientific or analytic assistance.
The complaint is currently identified as “Earthlings v. Climate Mafia.”
The plaintiffs in a class action suit are recognized as members of a class, not as individuals.
Regarding the designation of the plaintiff as “Earthlings,” this is a preliminary decision. In the effort to determine which individuals actually have standing before these proceeding, the questions were: should they be called citizens, residents, humans, or others? The word Earthling covers every human on the planet.
Everyone has been and is being affected by the laws, regulation, and pervasive illegal behaviors enacted and enforced by the political and privileged elites against the marginal and disenfranchised persons in society.
The list of co-defendants in the CO2 class action suit is long and it covers many type of political leaders from executives to legislators, professional organizations, and branches of learning.
Some the individuals named as co-defendants are the high visibility leaders of the charade that has been passed off as science. A few names of those who can be expected to be in the high visibility group are Al Gore, John Kerry, Michael Mann, and James Hanson to name a few.
One group that will especially be singled out for prosecution, which has had the most widespread impact affecting the most individuals is the education industrial complex. Child welfare advocates are asking who will unbrainwash the youth, after the climate change fraud is finally debunked.
Defendants are charged with conspiracy, violations of RICO statutes, public trust laws, child abuse, brainwashing and torture violation of free speech, fraud, pain and suffering.
A very helpful resource in the dossier is the navigation system that links within the document assist in finding the valuable information with just a click.
The appendix features links to more than 1000 scientists who present research with evidence that is contrary to the faux science that has predominated the global warming hysteria for the past three decades.
The number of counts that defendants will be charged with is eight. It is highly likely that additional charges will be filed as more light is shined into the various rat holes where the climate criminals hide.
This trial is not and has been about damage to the environment. It is about the crimes that have been committed by the donors and recipients of grants paid for by tax payers. Violations of law range from the top floors of the world’s largest banks and corporations to homeless camps, which functioned as money laundering front groups.
It is a misconception that government agencies are immune from prosecution under the law. Not all government agencies and their personnel are immune from answering for their violations of the law.
Professor Jon Smith is the author of the Carbon Dossier. He is a direct descendent of Rev. Jonathan Swift, the Anglican priest and writer who lived in Ireland and England in the late seventeenth century. In English literature, Swift was an essayist, political writer, and poet, recognized as the foremost satirist in the English language. Gulliver's Travels and A Modest Proposal are his most well known satirical works.
The Anglo-Irish vicar is known for leading his flock through the social upheavals caused by famine and the coldest years of the Little Ice Age. His A Modest Proposal is the ultimate satire, in which he proposes that the poor class, in an effort to survive the frozen decades, sell their children as food to the wealthy class. Life in the snow then was the opposite of todays alleged global warming.
Professor Jon Swift incorporates his ancestor's satire into his own modern writings. His Carbon Dossier and his summary of the class action law suit, Earthlings vs Climate Mafia, drip with satire, which is the art of applying Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit to attack or expose human foolishness or vice.
The Youra Media company is the publisher of the Carbon Dossier. Dan Youra, publisher, points out that the carbon report describes the atom in human terms as "the most criminal element on the periodic table, charged with crimes against humanity, guilty of genocide, and condemned to greenhouse gas chambers." He adds, "Ironically, the infamous atom is also hailed as "the holy grail for all governments in their quest for more taxes and more control over their populations." The dichotomous attitudes toward the infamous carbon atom and carbon dioxide molecule reflect the opposing positions of the debate itself. The opponents either accept or reject the role carbon and carbon dioxide play in determining the outcome of Earth's predicted demise.
Dan Youra founded
Youra Media in 1986. He is the author of The Carbon Book and has more than 40 years experience in publishing books and magazines. He started his first website in 1995. He is reviewed as "a pioneer in the Global Village" by Daniel Evans, governor of Washington; "a computer whiz" by Emmett Watson, columnist at the Seattle Times; and, a "public-relations whiz" by the Seattle Times. Youra is a native of Wisconsin and graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1967. Contact Youra at
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