CARBON is the most criminal element on the periodic table.
It is charged with crimes against humanity.
It is judged guilty of genocide.
And, it is condemned to greenhouse gas chambers.
Yet, the infamous atom is the holy grail for all governments in their quest for more taxes and total control.
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The Carbon Dossier is a hard hitting expose' of 55 pages in length and one mile in depth.
Detailed coverage proves that the warning “The sky is falling” is more damaging than the warming itself.
The message is analogous to the aphorism, “A dog’s bark is bigger than its bite.” The threat of the bite and the warming are replaced by the bark and the screaming.
The facts and arguments leave no doubt that the origins of CO2 are much bigger than gasoline fumes puffing out the tailpipe of your car.
CO2 is bigger too, then some green houses floating around in Earth's atmosphere.
The Carbon Dossier is a hard hitting expose of the flaws and frauds of the past 35 years and the continuing flimflam of the global warming and climate change movement. Rather than being the magnanimous and compassionate movement to save the Earth from its much ballyhooed "existential threat," the dossier portrays the hysteria as
1. a misplaced, misdirected monstrosity of misinformation designed to increase the taxes funneling into the treasuries of governments.
2. a mechanism of absolute control over the population
The CO2 Class Action LawSuit is a movement of individuals and organizations dedicated to stopping governments from continuing the massive fraud of promoting global warming and climate change as the global solutions to saving the planet from human caused "existential death." The entire rigged gig is a conjured and contrived deception to enable governments to fundamentally transform all aspects of human life.
The Class Action Lawsuit is the legal mechanism designed and offered by the judicial system to defend large groups of people from the illegal overreach of offending institutions.
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