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World War I
Victory Gardens during WWI were also known as
"War Gardens."
During WWI, (1914 –1918) and WWII (1939 – 1945) there were food shortages and rationing.
Backyard "Victory Gardens" supplemented people's food and freed up food critical for the war efforts.
The download books on this page help readers recover many of the gardening skills practiced during the pre-World War I years.
"I did the planting, Apollos did the watering, but God did the growing."
1 Corinthians 3:6
The state of affairs in 2023 is not unlike the conditions of food supplies and crop forecasts compared to the times when "Victory Gardens" were a solution.
Dire forecasts are received daily concerning the threats to the world's food supplies for late summer and fall.
Now, in 2023 populations in parts of the world are facing economic conditions requiring a reawakening of the knowledge to grow, preserve, and store food for survival.
These books, written between 1857 and 1920, will teach you the knowledge of gardening practiced by your great, great grandparents to keep their families (your ancestors) alive. They did not have grocery store chains such as Safeway. No big box stores like Walmart. No mini marts. Like all of their
neighbors, they grew their own food, preserved it, and stored their food to get the family through the winter. Their skills now can become your skills. You don't need to grow all your food. Maybe just 20 or 30 percent will cut your food costs. Learn how to grow food in a window. Listen to your ancestors.
"Absolutely fascinating to read how people created fertile soil and lush gardens
before Monsanto killed the soil and the gardens"
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