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Read about Hypothermia Deaths and Hypothermia Autopsies
Preparation is the most critical factor in determining your survival in cold and freezing weather. Read more.
Hypothermia and frost bite are medical injuries caused by cold and freezing weather. Learn first aid.
Your survival in a cold environment is directly related to your knowledge and equipment. Make your inventory.
Accurate weather information is critical for everyone traveling or living in the extremes of winter weather. 30 links to weather.
Social Media offer a greatly expanded access for people seeking winter-related information. Load your phone.
Education is essential in preparing yourself, family, and friends to survive cold weather. Learn how.
PLAN AHEAD to prevent frostbite. Frostbite takes its greatest toll on a person's extremities –– hands, fingers, feet, toes, ears, and nose.
Do you know the first signs of FROSTBITE ? HYPOTHERMIA ?
Do you have Insulated Mittens ? Stocking Cap ? Winter boots ?
When CROP LOSSES are severe, what food will you miss most?
What foods do you have STORED UP to make up for crop losses.
Do you know how to grow SPROUTS ? Do you have SEEDS ?
Do you know how to plant a GARDEN ? Can VEGETABLES ?
How long can you live without WATER ? Without FOOD ?
Why do you think MORTALITY increases in cold weather?
What do you do if you find a frozen corpse?
Why do number of
HEART ATTACKS increase in cold weather?
Do you know COLD TEMPERATURES decrease the sex drive?
Do you have a pair of ICE SKATES ? A sled to pull FIREWOOD ?
Without electricity or gas, how would you HEAT your room?
COOK your food? Charge a PHONE ? Watch TV ?
How close or far away are your FRIENDS and FAMILY ?
In a famine, what are the first
DISEASES to appear?
United States
S. California New Record Lows KTLA5 12.30.21
Lake Tahoe 17' Record Snow Dec ABC 12.29.21
Snowfall & Cold Records in PNW CBS 12.29.21
Record Cold SE Alaska KTOO 12.27.21
W USA Record Cold End of 2021 AccWea 12.28.21
Alberta Breaks 7 Cold Records CTV News 12.29.21
BC 50 Calls for Hypothermia CTV News 12.29.21
Temperature Records in BC Daily Hive 12.27.21
Cdn 14 of 15 Coldest Places on Earth DH 12.27.21
Europe Coldest Temps 40 Years SSounds 11.29.21
40 Year Record Cold in Scandinavia SS 11.29.21
Spain Coldest Temps Ever EU NEWS 8.1.21
Frost Hits All China MKWeather 12.27.21
"Expect global cooling for the next 2-3 decades that will be far more damaging than global warming would have been. Twice as many people are killed by extreme cold then by extreme heat."
Dr Donald Easterbrook, Professor of Geology, Western Washington University
Author of Evidence-Based Climate Science
Cool Book Store sells downloads and paperback books for the education and practical application of information on the effects of cold weather on humans.
Website & Reports published by Youra Media – Seattle Washington
© Youra Media 2023