1. Bodily Needs     2. Personal Safety    3. Friends and Family    4. Self Esteem    5. Self Actualization

The saying goes "Home Sweet Home."
The needs populating the two bottom roles on the "Needs Pyramid" are the most demanding in times of massive, social changes. When the threat of crop losses due to scorching heat or bitter freeze rears its ugly head in a period of either global warming or global cooling, the "Bodily Needs" and the  "Personal Safety Needs" are the most threatening to human life.

The frontline threats in a disaster will directly challenge the needs in the Personal Safety category. People will long for the security of pre-disaster days. Hungry packs of people will search everywhere for food. Everyone fears threats to the health of their bodies. Resources will be challenged. The security of family stability will be upset. The security of all properties will be tested.
Prepare For “Teeth-Chattering” Cold Weather

Research conducted by the United States Army raises a warning on how freezing weather can injure and kill people. Its conclusions are timely in advance of the freezing temperatures forecast for the approaching fall and winter. Farmers’ Almanac forecasts a “teeth-chattering” cold one. Freezing temperatures could rival those of last year, when the infamous Polar Vortex blew in some of the coldest temperatures on record in the northern hemisphere.

With permission from the US Army, publisher Dan Youra reprints three of its most relevant medical books on the effects of freezing temperatures on human beings. Two books are Medical Aspects of Cold Environments and Pictorial Atlas of Freezing Cold Injury originally printed by the US Army Department of Medicine in its Medical Aspects of Harsh Environments, Vol 1 (2001). The third book, Prevention and Management of Cold Weather Injuries, is a reprint of The Surgeon General's Technical Bulletin MED-508 (2005).

Download Books $5.00 each. All three books for $10.00
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