1. Bodily Needs     2. Personal Safety    3. Friends and Family    4. Self Esteem    5. Self Actualization

The foundation of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is the Bodily Needs category, which is made up of Breathing, Food, Water, Sleep, Homeostasis, and Excretion. As the prospect of a major catastrophe is forecast because of devastating crop losses across the entire planet, the Bodily Needs of all human beings will be threatened. 

Food is the most visible and easily understood as an imminent threat. It is useful to look at food as the first domino. Lack of food or insufficient food can lead to anxiety, the opposite of homeostasis. Working harder to secure food may cause loss of sleep.

Food shortages and outright famine would challenge all aspects of security––body, work, resources, family, health, and property. "The Haves," who have food will need to defend their food from the "Have Nots." Bodies will be threatened. Resources will be strained. Families will be challenged. Undernourished bodies have weaker immune systems, which require health resources. And whose property could possibly be considered safe?
A Victory Garden can be a person's Super Market.
Prepare For “Teeth-Chattering” Cold Weather

Research conducted by the United States Army raises a warning on how freezing weather can injure and kill people. Its conclusions are timely in advance of the freezing temperatures forecast for the approaching fall and winter. Farmers’ Almanac forecasts a “teeth-chattering” cold one. Freezing temperatures could rival those of last year, when the infamous Polar Vortex blew in some of the coldest temperatures on record in the northern hemisphere.

With permission from the US Army, publisher Dan Youra reprints three of its most relevant medical books on the effects of freezing temperatures on human beings. Two books are Medical Aspects of Cold Environments and Pictorial Atlas of Freezing Cold Injury originally printed by the US Army Department of Medicine in its Medical Aspects of Harsh Environments, Vol 1 (2001). The third book, Prevention and Management of Cold Weather Injuries, is a reprint of The Surgeon General's Technical Bulletin MED-508 (2005).

Download Books $5.00 each. All three books for $10.00

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