Throw Off Your Chains
The Masters of Chains keep you locked in the chains of their climate lies, while they tax you for believing their lies.
Their devious c(lie)mate ploys are to wrap chains around your life, around all your actions, your entire behavior –– what you may eat and buy, what kind of car (if any) you may drive.
By chaining you to an intricate web of corrupt policies, the Masters of Chains demand total and complete control over your lives. They have been feeding you lies for decades. Remember when Al Gore dropped his Mother of All Bombs (MOAB) about global warming. And worst of all is the charge that "You are the cause of global warming. Global warming is killing the planet. Therefore, YOU ARE THE KILLER."
Complicitous Media broadcasted Gore's climate change deceptions into every classroom, magazine, news report, and family conversation until the lies became the New Religion, The Undisputed Belief of the Global Consciousness.
It is time for you to escape the chain gang and hold The Masters of Global Chains accountable for their treasonous, anti-human deeds and policies, which began three decades ago and continue to this day. The damage to society and the toll on human lives will not stop until the deceptions of the pernicious perpetrators are exposed for the criminals they are.
Their crime is having selected an innocent, naturally occurring molecule, namely carbon dioxide (CO2), and claimed that an increase in this natural and common gas in Earth's atmosphere, not only caused an imminent threat to the existence of the human race, but more perversely, these self-appointed Masters of the Planet accuse all men, woman, and children on Earth to be the guilty persons causing the expansion of the gas into Earth's atmosphere.
All these deceptive convolutions of logic were contrived to achieve the most corrupt outcome of their demented schemes, namely to acquire Trillions and Trillions of dollars by taxing every aspect of human behavior –– yes, the notorious Carbon Tax.
It should be noted that the phrase "Global Warming" is meant to connote something "bad," however, it actually sounds comforting. It feels warm like heat from the glow of a bonfire. Cozy.
The phrase "Global Warming" is part of the "Global Con." At the least, the cozy phrase is a substitute for "Global Lies" and "Global Deception." However, most precisely, "Global Warming" is a euphemism for "Global Killing." People die everyday as a direct result of the poisoned policies of C(lie)mate Chains.
An appropriate solution to right the wrongs to society committed by these miserable misanthropes disguised as "Earth Saviors" is to convene a new series of Nuremberg Trials, like those which took place between 1945 and 1949 to try the NAZI leaders for their human atrocities during World War II. The trials lead to the establishment of a permanent international court and an important precedent for dealing with later instances of genocide and other crimes against humanity.
The unpunished crimes of Herr Gore and his fellow conspirators, who include party officials, militant followers, along with complicit world-wide media companies, educational institutions and government leaders must be adjudicated before an appropriate court, which can redress the grievances of all humans, whose lives were irreparably damaged and who suffered untold pain and suffering. The world's citizens deserve restitution for the loss of their fortunes at the hands of the many corrupt accomplices in Herr Gore's global killing machine.
Free Yourself
from your Chains
Partial List of
Primary Suspects,
Persons of Interest, and
For Trial Before the Nuremberg Court
of Global Warning for
Crimes against Peace and
Crimes against Humanity
Al Gore
Michael Mann
Michael Moore
Alexandria Octavio Cortez
Greta Thunberg
Pope Francis
James Hansen
Institutions of Interest
465 Teachers Unions
89 Text Book Publisher678
2,340 Universities
1,087 Research Labs
346 International Orgs
Parties of Interest
2,890 Party Leaders
33,876 Political Leaders
Governments of Interest
All of them:
Federal, State, and local
– – – – – – –
It will be shown that all of the above co-conspirators in the "Global Warming Climate Change" fraud were knowledgeable of the deception perpetrated on the citizens of the world for the purpose of extorting taxes based on the false accusation that citizens were causing global warming and climate change by their alleged depraved lifestyle of emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Now that the role of CO2 in causing global warming has been debunked, it is not difficult to understand that the deceived citizens of the world want their money back. They demand full restitution of their carbon tax payments and demand punitive damages for three decades of pain and suffering.
DOWNLOAD BOOK $2.50 or ORDER from (AMAZON) $10.00
"Look Here Is The Deal" Exposes Political Apologists
Don't think this is simply a comic book. Yes, it is that
but it is so much more. This is a frontal assault on the lies, deceptions, and idiocy of the CO2 Global Warning cult.
40 pages of links to 100's of research reports by 1,000's of scientific experts on why the global warming scare fizzled out.
40 caricatures of politicians by cartoonist Dan Youra satirizing government leaders playing out their roles in the Idiotic Panel and Climate Charade IPCC.
Each page features a link to evidence-based studies.
Purchasers of the book from Amazon receive a BONUS download of the book to access the valuable links
(Purchasers of Amazon book receive FREE download copy.)
"links to hundreds of anti-warming studies"
"a scholarly work disguised as a book of cartoons"
"an effective bullet in the arsenal of anti-warming warriors"
"a satiric repudiation of the climate lies foisted by US politicians on gullible populations"
DOWNLOAD BOOK $2.50 or ORDER from (AMAZON) $10.00
C(lie)mate Chains = "the lies that enslave us"
The word climate is not spelled with a "lie" in it. However, when your the spoken, you can hear the "lie" in it. The quotes in this book are from the spoken words of political leaders. You can hear the "lies" in all of them.
The phrase "climate change" has lost its meaning. It is alway changing. Dah! The word "chains" replaces "change." Chains are "shackles to enslave us." "C(lie)mate Chains are "the lies that enslave us."
Dan Youra's "acerbic" cartoons lighten the weight of the chains.
Is this a comic book or another nail in the coffin of climate hysteria? Yes.
The educational value of the book comes from the many links to reports by scientific experts.
(Purchasers of Amazon book receive FREE download copy.)
"says it like it is. calls a lie a lie"
"the list of anti-warming links can reeducate the brainwashed global warming cult"
"you wouldn't want to be on Dan Youra's target"
"title is a creative way of gaining attention and creative caricatures are ways to holding it"
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