You and CO2

Rescue Our Kids from the Propaganda War
Kids Choice Warming

<----- CHOICE----->

Kids Choice Warming

Our Children Deserve the Truth

For 30+ years, the "Global Warmers" or "Warmists" have been freaking kids out with a never ending, onslaught of doomsday propaganda designed to scare and intimidate kids about the dire future they face. If the prospects of living in a smoldering earth weren't bad enough, the Chicken Littles smother the kids in a guilt trip, whereby the alarmists force kids to shoulder a ton of guilt, blaming the kids for being the cause of the fire and brimstone that their sins are bringing down upon the earth. This indoctrination of kids with a scary story that is not true is child abuse in its worse form. It is the damaging of kids' minds, spirits, and brains. The alarmist propaganda destroys kids' optimism of a future. What do these abused kids have to look forward to? A life of enslavement to adults who bully them and make them live in fear? Not only adults, but institutions, namely, their schools, hammer kids with fear and guilt. The abuse originates from a story that is not even true! Shame on you, "Warmies," "Warmers," "Warmists." Let our children go. These kids deserve reparations from the "Warmers" who betrayed them. At least they are owed an apology.
Impact on Humans
Kid and Climate alarmism causes harm
Nonstop, catastrophic alarmism causes anxiety, helplessness, loss of hope, powerlessness, despondency, depression, fear. What's the use?

Climate Alarmists must be held responsible for their negative impacts on the lives of their victims.
Effects on Kids 
Effects of Global alarmism warps children's minds
Children are hit doubly hard. Do I have a future? I'm scared. Who will save me? Parents? Teachers? Government? What's left? Avoidance. Denial.

Climate Alarmists must be held responsible for their blatant abuse and victimization of children.
Social Costs to All of Us
Social costs of climate scaring
Lost opportunity costs. Lost funding. Depreciation of labor. Cynicism and loss of respect toward educational and government leaders. New Taxes.

Climate Alarmists must be held to account for their negative impacts and abuse of society.
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"Grown Up Classes" Are Offered to Parents to Reprogram Their Own Brainwashed minds.
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