


Fellow Citizens of the world, fellow friends of Freedom, and all lovers of science dedicated to truth, 


What a great joy it is to share in the scientific breakthroughs about the Earth and the Solar System that dedicated researchers have drawn together during the past few years. Their work opens up a new reality and liberates us from great error and a terrible waste of our future.


As a result of the intensive debate over the issues of global warming and CO2 during the twenty years, scientific research has proliferated deeply into all aspects of the history and causal factors of climate conditions and changing weather patterns. Voluminous information is now available which enables scientists to reach strictly empirical conclusions about many climate issues and the most probable trends of change.


In every science field, a great many scientists have made conclusions which are radically different from the errors and near-sighted vision which have been proliferated the past thirty years through the Mass Media and a great many studies and reports related to a purported Global Warming trend. A broad new vision has come forth. The collective weight of this new visionary perspective provides a Great Historical Pivot which enable us to change, well, everything about what we were thinking about the future.


 Global warming and cooling are produced by cycles of solar activity and the influence of orbital cycles which play out over centuries, millennia, and even longer.


Except in concentrated human habitats, it is virtually impossible for humans to influence the heat budget and average temperature of the Earth.


CO2 plays no role in the heating or cooling the Earth. CO2 is NOT a "greenhouse" gas. This can be definitively proven by both mathematical physics and by extensive empirical research.


Most importantly, any attempt to sequester carbon out of the atmosphere is inherently stupid. Plants and the entire ecological system (including human beings) are absolutely dependent on CO2. It could be said, Life is a gas! Mammals exhale it, plants inhale it and create nourishment to sustain the vast circle of life.


Many now say that the Earth has reached a point of carbon starvation during this millennium. This starvation resulted in the increase of deserts and the reduction of plant productivity. But human industrialization and expansion have reversed the loss of carbon in the atmosphere. Already, deserts are shrinking. In literal fact, NASA has demonstrated just recently that the Earth is Greening. The ecology of Gaia is expanding. We did that and this fact is both profound and not at all to be regretted!


Truth be told, many physicists and ecologists are now saying, the atmosphere could almost certainly hold several times the existing CO2 level without ill effect and with great benefits to the natural environment. The atmosphere has held much more CO2 several times in the past and one of those times was the great age of the dinosaurs during which life forms expanded greatly in diversity and size on all continents.


There is high probability that the Sun has been dampening down its magnetic activity during the past 30 years (a fact) and is now plunging into a 40-70 period of very little visible sunspot activity (a projection expected by many including NASA). This plunge is part of a repeating period which is called a "Grand Solar Minimum" or a "Blue Sun" during which the average temperature of the Earth will drop. 


During this "Blue Sun" period, multi-dimensional impacts on Earth's climate, ecosphere, and human population may range from mild to severe for several decades. 


To sum it all up in one simple bottom line: with dedicated research we, dedicated, caring human beings, have solved the Global Warming problem. In the words of Christopher Monckton:


"Global Warming is not a problem and we don't have to do anything to fix it."


In other words: DO NOTHING about CO2, don't worry about Global Warming, but continue to watch climate change and solar trends with great vigilance to understand and anticipate how solar activity cycles and orbital cycles are now altering climate regimes on Earth.


With the victory of these new findings and profound understanding of terrestrial history…


…..we should be ringing the bells to herald these great science achievements.


So we are standing up to ring the bells! We are hoping to find large numbers of people and serious supporters to join in a movement to share and promote our new vision into public visibility and influence over human organizations of whatever type and function.


Our first objective is to free all of us and all of our governments, agencies, businesses, and sciences from the carbon freak-out neurosis. We all need a reset so we can reach out for a more positive future. Useless controversy and carping over fantasies is devastating our ability to steer toward a better future.


Our second objective is to refocus discussions of "global warming" climate change to serious public discussions of the downward trend of solar activity which is being called a "Blue Sun" or "Grand Solar Minimum."  What the impact(s) will be on the Earth and humanity is very much an open question but it is obvious that we are due for a period of  "global cooling" or "climate change."  The reality of this trend has been established and confirmed by many scientists over the past 60 years. The impact could be as severe as some of the worst periods of the "little ice age," which greatly disrupted Europe during the last 700 years. 


But we don't know this for certain. Leadership to engage public resources and institutions is needed to honestly establish the facts as they unfold. With a valid understanding of the solar cycles and how these dramatically and even suddenly shift climate patterns, the changing times could be turned into tremendous opportunities to re-engineer our economies, create growth, and expand abundance.


So here we are standing up to communicate the New Vision and a strategy to communicate it far and wide. Our name for the strategy is Eat-The-Sun


We are busy creating four sister websites to herald the new climate science and the new realities which are emerging. We are building a matrix to draw together the new understanding of climate realism and the extensive critique of the global warming hysteria and the errors and tricks which proliferated them. The matrix will incorporate the timing of many different Sun Cycles which affect the Earth. Most importantly for everyone, what is the truth about the newly defined cyclical trend of Global Cooling, what should people expect, and how should people adapt to Survive Global Cooling .


The matrix will provide channels of education and communication for scientists, activists, policy-makers, the general public, and most especially, for students . Our goal is to help everyone create and/or find access to everything written, photographed, spoken, and videoed on these topics.


At this moment of September, 2019, we have barely begun to scratch the surface. But we hope that we have done enough to provide a vision of the directions, content, and styles we will employ to connect serious content providers with each other and with people of all ages and levels of education.


So take a good look around in Eat-The-Sun.com


Then page through the various sections to catch the drift.


Make sure you check out Sun-Cycles.com . Take a good look at the front giant graph which displays the last several hundred years of the Sun Cycle month by month. It includes projections of the next Cycle so you can quickly grasp what will happen in the next decade in comparison with the past 700 years. 


After taking a look around, please communicate! We are not here to sell a book, we want to be hired to keep humanity appraised of the climate changes which are happening everywhere.


  • If you want to subscribe to receive email notifications of new blog posts, go to Subscribe to Sun-Cycles.com
  • If you want to add content and create visibility for your work, email info@CO2.news
  • If you want to foster a movement to profoundly alter the course of current history from madness to realization of opportunity and positive change, email info@CO2.news
  • If you would like to help engineer the means for rapid implementation of change with large resources, email us for an even more powerful discussion. Email info@CO2.news


Sincerely yours,

Michael Wells Mandeville,

Science Director

Dan Youra,


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