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Global Warming has been called a lie, scam, fraud, deceit, conspiracy and more.
US government invited other governments into the fraud as co-conspirators.
Primary perpetrator of the global warming scam is the United States government. Co-conspirators are academic institutions, states and local governments, international organizations (e.g. United Nations), businesses, non profit organizations, and many more.
The perpetrators of the scam created Global Warming:
1. Proclaimed Global Warming as the Existential Threat to life on the planet. [It’s not]
2. Designated CO2 as the Most Dangerous Gas to cause Global Warming. [It’s not]
3. Accused Humans as the primary cause of increasing Carbon Dioxide. [They’re not]
4. Determined Human Culpability for Global Warming. [It’s not]
5. Identified a range of Offending Human Behaviors.
6. Levied TAXES on the offending human behaviors to increase revenues for gov’t:
To increase control over more aspects of human lives.
To create another source of taxes
To increase taxes for more revenues for gov’t.
There are 195 member nations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC]
Yes, essentially everything in Gore's climate change agenda is either wrong or highly misrepresented.
Although his science is often seriously wrong, no one can deny that Al Gore has a flare for the dramatic. Speaking about climate change in an October 12 PBS interview, the former vice-president proclaimed, “We have a global emergency.” Referring to the most recent UN climate report, Gore claimed it showed that current global warming “could actually extend to an existential threat to human civilization on this planet as we know it.”
This sounds very similar to today's climate change debate – except, in the 70s, the fear was manmade global cooling, not warming.
Gore advanced to Vice President under President Bill Clinton, where he was able to enact policies and direct funding to ensure that the climate change agenda became a top priority of the United States Government. Gore’s mission was boosted when Clinton gave him authority over the newly created President’s Council on Sustainable Development.
It will come as no surprise then that, when the Council’s Charter was revised on April 25, 1997, the “Scope of Activities” included the following direction to the Council:
Advise the President on domestic implementation of policy options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Council should not debate the science of global warming [emphasis added], but should instead focus on the implementation of national and local greenhouse gas reduction policies and activities, and adaptations in the U.S. economy and society that maximize environmental and social benefits, minimize economic impacts, and are consistent with U.S. international agreements. The Council should, at a minimum, identify and encourage potentially replicable examples of reductions in greenhouse gas emissions across diverse sectors and levels of society.
Considering that the Council was tasked with advising the President “on matters involving sustainable development,” and alternative points of view on the science of climate change were effectively excluded, it was a foregone conclusion that the Clinton administration would go in the direction Gore wanted. Indeed, in their cover letter to the President accompanying their 1999 report, Advancing Prosperity, Opportunity and a Healthy Environment for the 21st Century, the Council stated: “Our report presents consensus recommendations on how America can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and take other steps to protect the climate.”
A cornerstone of Gore’s strategy was to ensure that all high-ranking government officials who had any involvement with funding policies relating to climate change were in line with his vision. These agencies included the Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, National Science Foundation, Department of Education, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
The opposition to the global warmers establish that there is no “scientific consensus” on these issues of consensus foisted on the gullible by the warmists. The opposition seeks to rekindle informed debate on climate and energy issues and help bring hope, common sense and real science back into the discourse – to help end the fabricated mythology of dangerous manmade global warming.
As the presidency has passed from Trump to Biden, it is commonly and understandably understood that there will be a return to the emphasis on Global Warming as a source of all mankind’s ailments and a major source of money from the fraudulently applied carbon taxes on the backs of the taxpayers. Biden has appointed John Kerry, a high priest of the global warming cabal, as the czar of climate lies and deceptions.
May 30, 2014: “Alarmists about climate change seem willing to do whatever it takes to silence other views, St. Cloud Times (Minnesota)
May 29, 2014: “No consensus exists on climate change,” Tulsa Beacon (Oklahoma)
May 21, 2014: “Get real about climate change,” The Providence Journal (Rhode Island)
May 7, 2014: “Nobel Lies are damaging environmentalism,” Times of Oman (the Arab state in southwest Asia)
May 3, 2014: “Nobel Lies are damaging environmentalism,” The Providence Journal (Rhode Island)
March 20, 2014: “Obama, Kerry join Al Gore in the Doctrine of Certainty,” Tulsa Beacon (Oklahoma)
February 21, 2014: “Climate Change: Kerry out of touch with realities,” Nigerian Echo (the African country of Nigeria)
February 13, 2014: “Experts know climate change is still unproven,” Tulsa Beacon (Oklahoma)
February 7, 2014: interviewed on Sun TV as part of a program titled “Green Groups Scrutinized”
February 4, 2014: “Climate rhetoric undermines rational decision-making,” Vancouver Sun
January 29, 2014: comments included in news coverage of Pres. Obama’s State of the Union Address broadcast on SunTV
January 14, 2014: half-hour interview on “Voice of Russia,” the Russian government’s international radio broadcasting service
January 12, 2014: half-hour interview on CKNW radio in Vancouver on reasons that Mr. Braid’s comments are wrong.
January 9, 2014: half-hour interview on CFRA radio in Ottawa and another half-hour on 570 News in Kitchener/Waterloo
January 8, 2014: interviewed on “The Arena” with Michael Coren, Sun News Network (Canada)
December 23, 2013: discussion with Nick Vandergragt, host of Nick@Night Live, on CFRA (Ottawa’s most-heard radio station)
December 21, 2013: CFRA radio in Ottawa, Ontario
December 13, 2013: CJBK radio in London, Ontario
December 1, 2013: “The Roy Green Show” on the Corus radio network across Canada
October 11, 2011: “Global warming, global worries,” Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba, Canada
October 6, 2011: “Kill carbon dioxide regulations: Harper still rolling out rules that will waste billions,” Financial Post, National Post, Canada
September 16, 2011: quoted in New York Times coverage of Al Gore’s “24 Hours of Reality” event
September 13, 2011: “Gore’s 24 Hours of Fantasy About To Begin - An effort to ‘expose’ climate change skeptics will instead show that Gore is a charlatan,” Pajamas Media, Los Angeles, California
September 6, 2011: interview with Ezra Levant on “The Source” on Sun Media TV
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