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Links to Sources Referenced in BookList of individuals who know about the Grand Solar Minimum and are delivering videos,podcasts and written information daily and weekly, tracking the changes and giving adviceso you can keep you and your family’s safe during these changes.Rolf Witzsche Ice Age Ahead Twitter & Website & YouTubeChristian Westbrook produces the Ice Age Farmer channel on YouTube Twitter & Website& YouTubeDavid DuByne produces the ADAPT 2030 YouTube and hosts the Mini Ice AgeConversations Podcast Website OilSeedCrops.orgDavid Mauriello produces the Oppenheimer Ranch Project Twitter & Website & YouTubeJake and Mari have the Grand Solar Minimum Channel Twitter & Website & YouTubeBen Davidson Suspicious Observers Website and Magnetic Reversal Website & YouTubeDaniel Nigro covering daily Sun, Space Weather, Earthquake, Physics, Cosmology Twitter &YouTubeCarlos Ramirez Climatology and planetary researcher. Unique Proxy About Cosmic Rays &Atmospheric Ionization. Geomagnetic Excursion and GSM = Cooling TwitterDavid Birch Independent Solar Researcher based in the UK - Solar Cycle Analyst Twitter &WebsitePiers Corbyn Long Range weather & climate forecaster Twitter & WebsiteCraig Simpson hosts the Radiant Creators Podcast who has interviewed most people onthis listScott Chapman Super GSM Info Twitter & WebsiteMichael Lazaro Evolutionary Energy Arts YouTube & WebsiteChris Martz Weather Twitter & Website & YouTubeBobby who runs the Oz Politic New Ice Age ForumSacha Dobler Twitter & WebsiteLee Wheelbarger Inventor, Designer of Electric Blue Solar Yacht TwitterRyan Maue Meteorologist Ph.D. Twitter & Websiteキリエ From Japan Kireye Global Warming is the biggest fraud in science history Twitter &WebsiteDr Waheen Uddin professor, consultant, former U.N. expert 04 Aug 2019Websites of Much InterestPierre L. Gosselin No Tricks Zone Exposing climate fraud, green energy follies Twitter &WebsiteClimate Realists The Fingerprint of the Sun is all over the Earth’s climate Twitter & WebsiteFriends of Science A group of earth, atmospheric, solar scientists and engineers whoconclude that the Sun is the main driver of climate change. Not you. Not CO2 Twitter &WebsiteElectroverse Documenting Earth Changes as two world-altering climatic events unfoldsimultaneously: 1. An ever-accelerating pole shift. 2. Our descent into a GSM Twitter &WebsiteClimatism Tracking Anthropogenic Climate Alarmism Twitter & WebsiteJoanne Nova author of The Skeptics Handbook Twitter & WebsitePatrick Moore Greenpeace co-founder Twitter and WebsiteSteve Goddard The Deplorable Climate Science Blog Twitter & WebsiteMarc Morano author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change & DocumentaryClimate Hustle Twitter & Website
James Taylor, Heartland Senior Fellow for Environment and Energy Policy, takes the lead on all of our climate programs. He can be reached at Anthony Watts, Heartland Senior Fellow for Environment and Climate, is an expert on many aspects of thsi topic, but specializes in problems with the global temperature measurements. He can be reached at Jim Lakely, Heartland’s communications director, can answer most questions or direct you to an expert who can. He can be reached at or by cell/text at 312/731-9364. Tim Benson, a Heartland policy analyst, tracks national and state legislation on climate and environmental regulation and writes and speaks on a variety of environment topics. He can be reached at H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., research fellow and managing editor of Environment & Climate News and Climate Change Weekly, has emerged as one of the nation’s most prolific and persuasive commentators on climate change. He can be reached at
Climate Change Reconsidered Climate Conferences Climate Change Awards Fighting the War on Coal Left Exposed
Heartland Defends Global Warming Skeptics Bringing Climate Realism to Paris at COP-21 Climate Alarmists Climate Realists Greenpeace is a Global Fraud Tell Pope Francis: Global Warming Is Not a Crisis! Willie Soon Defense
Beller, Denis
Berezow, Alex B.
Research Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
First tenured professor in the then-70-year history of the USAF Institute of Technology, co-author of seminal Foreign Affairs essay
The Need for Nuclear Power, Jan/Feb 2000 (with Pulitzer Prize-winner Richard Rhodes), former Research Prof. of Nuclear
Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
(NOAA Letter Signatory)
Ph.D., Purdue Univ., 1986; M.S.N.E, Air Force Inst. of Tech., 1981; B.S.Ch.E., Univ. of Colorado
Lt. Col., USAF, retired.
Editor of RealClearScience, degree is in microbiology. Coauthor with Hank Campbell of the 2012 book, Science Left Behind: FeelGood Fallacies and the Rise of the Anti-Scientific Left. Philadelphia, PA: PublicAffairs. Senior Fellow of Biomedical Science at the
American Council on Science and Health.
He is also a science and U.S./European political affairs writer. He is a member of the USA Today Board of Contributors, and his
work regularly appears in USA Today, BBC News, and The Economist, among other publications.
Berry, Edwin X.
Climate Physics LLC
Bigfork, MT
Bevelacqua, Joseph John
Bevelacqua Resources
Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Washington.
A vocal climate realist, head of Climate Physics LLC, Bigfork, MT, physicist and Certified Consulting Meteorologist (#180).
Consulting expertise in physics, atmospheric physics, meteorology, climatology, and numerical models. Memberships: American
Meteorological Society, AMS, American Physical Society. (NOAA Letter Signatory)
Ph.D. Physics (University of Nevada, Reno)
CHP, RRPT. President of Bevelacqua Resources and former USDOE Senior Technical Advisor. Author of over 100 papers
published in scientific and technical journals and four textbooks. (NOAA Letter Signatory)
Richland, WA
Bogard, Donald D.
Heritage Fellow
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Houston, TX
Ph.D. Geochemistry (University of Arkansas)
WLUC-TV6 NBC & FOX U, Chief Meteorologist
Bohnak, Karl
Botkin, Daniel
Florida address:
Boca Raton, FL
New York address:
New York, NY
Briggs, William “Matt”
(NOAA Letter Signatory)
B.A. (?) University of Wisconsin-Madison
A prominent ex-alarmist who testified to congress and wrote a WSJ piece expressing skepticism. “Daniel B. Botkin, a worldrenowned ecologist, is Professor (Emeritus), Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, UC Santa Barbara, and
President of The Center for The Study of The Environment, which provides independent, science-based analyses of complex
environmental issues. The New York Times said his book, Discordant Harmonies: A New Ecology for the 21st Century is
considered by many ecologists to be the classic text of the [environmental] movement.”
His Environmental Science, now in its Sixth Edition, was named 2004’s best textbook by the Textbook and Academic Authors
Association.” His House testimony in May 2014 got a lot of attention. See
New York, New York
Latest books: The Moon in the Nautilus Shell: Discordant Harmonies Reconsidered (Oxford University Press, August 2012),
Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet (9th edition), (John Wiley, 2014) Powering the Future: A Scientist’s Guide to
Energy Independence (FT Press, 2010)
Ph.D. UC Santa Barbara
Statistical consultant, New York Methodist Hospital
Rowlett, TX
Blogs at as “Statistician to the stars!” Coauthored paper with Willie Soon, a leading GW skeptic.
Research Fellow, The Heartland Institute. Managing Editor, Environment & Climate News and Climate Change Weekly. Prior to
joining Heartland he was a senior policy analyst at the National Center for Policy Analysis.
Burnett, H. Sterling
Campanella, Angelo
Ph.D. Physics (Florida State University)
From 1971 until his retirement from NASA in 2010, Dr. Bogard was a PI in NASA’s lunar and meteorite research programs and
directed an analytical lab at JSC. He was a member of the science team that performed quarantine testing of Apollo lunar samples in
1969-71; he helped establish the joint U.S. Antarctic Meteorite Program and directed meteorite curation from 1978-1984; he was
discipline scientist for NASA’s planetary materials research programs over 1984-1992. He is a recipient of the Leonard Medal of
The Meteoritical Society, the NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement, and the NASA Exceptional Service Medal.
Over 150 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in field of planetary geochemistry and volatiles. (NOAA Letter Signatory)
Campanella Acoustics
Hillard, OH
BA in Cultural Anthropology from Southern Methodist University (1986), and a MA (1991) and a Ph.D. (2001) in Applied
Philosophy from Bowling Green State University with a specialization in Environmental Ethics..
55+ year experience in infrared physics, military electronics, and applied physics
(NOAA Letter Signatory)
Ph.D. Physics & Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
Our Sun has begun a 30 year cycle of decreased activity termed a Grand Solar Minimum and known by it's more common effect "Global Cooling". The most intense cycles occur roughly every 396 years with a medium cooling cycle every 207 years.
From 2016 forward global temperatures will cool 1.5-3C which will have a dramatic impact on weather patterns and global food production. This is the greatest threat, not the cold itself to the human population.
Below is a list of resources to get you started learning about the past events called the Wolff, Sporer, Maunder and Dalton Grand Solar Minimums. You can look back in history and see how society was affected and now with better science, we can accurately measure the declines in solar output and take measures to adapt our global grain growing strategies for cooler and wetter conditions.
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