Winter Storms: The Deceptive Killers 12 pg
This preparedness guide explains the dangers of winter weather and suggests life-saving action YOU
can take. With this information, YOU can recognize winter weather threats, develop an action plan and
be ready when severe winter weather threatens. Remember…your safety is up to YOU.
Why Talk About Winter Weather?
• Each year, dozens of Americans die due to exposure to cold. Add to that number, vehicle accidents
and fatalities, fi res due to dangerous use of heaters and other winter weather fatalities and you have
a significant threat.
• Threats, such as hypothermia and frostbite, can lead to loss of fi ngers and toes or cause permanent
kidney, pancreas and liver injury and even death. You must prepare properly to avoid these extreme
dangers. You also need to know what to do if you see symtoms of these threats.
• A major winter storm can last for several days and be accompanied by high winds, freezing rain or
sleet, heavy snowfall and cold temperatures.
• People can become trapped at home or in a car, without utilities or other assistance.
• Attempting to walk for help in a winter storm can be a deadly decision.
• The aftermath of a winter storm can have an impact on a community or region for days, weeks
or even months.
• Extremely cold temperatures, heavy snow and coastal fl ooding can cause hazardous conditions
and hidden problems.
For More Information
Contact your local National Weather Service (NWS) offi ce,
American Red Cross chapter or local emergency management
agency for more weather-related brochures.
You can fi nd more information on fl ash fl ooding in the Floods…
The Awesome Power brochure. Contact your local Red Cross
chapter or NWS offi ce for copies. You can download a copy at
this NWS Web site
pdfs/Floodsbrochure_02_06.pdf. To fi nd additional materials on
winter safety, try the following Web sites:
Red Cross:
Website & Reports published by Youra Media – Seattle Washington
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