The following Treatise is one of those excellent mono graphs
which have appeared in an annual that has been
published by Amb. Abel, of Leipzig, in Germany, under
the title of "Aus dejr Natuk," for some years past.
These volumes have secured high commendation in leading
reviews of that country, and the various papers they con tain
are full of instructive knowledge. The design of
every one of them is to bring down to the time of its being
written, in a popular form, the information relating to the
subject, mingling historical, theoretical and more especially
Practical views, so as to give a brief and yet complete view
i the topic chosen. In general this has been accomplished
nost successfully, and many of these monographs would be
of interest if presented in English to the reading public of
this country. The present small work is offered as. an
experiment to this effect. It is contained in the last volume
of the " Aus der Natur," and relates to a subject which it
is hoped will be found sufficiently attractive to secure for it
a favorable reception. Within the compass of less than
one hundred pages are condensed many facts in respect to
the preservation of food, both animal and vegetable, a con siderable
portion of which will, it is presumed, be new to
most readers.
I have put in a few notes on the margin, and at the
close, for the purpose of explanation or additional inform ation.
Washington, 1857.
The following Treatise is one of those excellent mono graphs
which have appeared in an annual that has been
published by Amb. Abel, of Leipzig, in Germany, under
the title of "Aus dejr Natuk," for some years past.
These volumes have secured high commendation in leading
reviews of that country, and the various papers they con tain
are full of instructive knowledge. The design of
every one of them is to bring down to the time of its being
written, in a popular form, the information relating to the
subject, mingling historical, theoretical and more especially
Practical views, so as to give a brief and yet complete view
i the topic chosen. In general this has been accomplished
nost successfully, and many of these monographs would be
of interest if presented in English to the reading public of
this country. The present small work is offered as. an
experiment to this effect. It is contained in the last volume
of the " Aus der Natur," and relates to a subject which it
is hoped will be found sufficiently attractive to secure for it
a favorable reception. Within the compass of less than
one hundred pages are condensed many facts in respect to
the preservation of food, both animal and vegetable, a con siderable
portion of which will, it is presumed, be new to
most readers.
I have put in a few notes on the margin, and at the
close, for the purpose of explanation or additional inform ation.
Washington, 1857.
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