$2 Download Everything For Canners – A Book of Reference

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Everything forCanners


E. D. Fisher, Publisher,



Sent free to all Canners an<l Fruit Evaporators of North America.

To all others, price $1.00.


Full Page, V! {) "

Two Pages, (facing each other,) * 25-00

One-half Page, - j?.00

One-fourth Page, - -- 5 00

Advertisers are entitled to one copy for each quarter page of ad vertising

space taken.

Guaranteed edition for 1892, over 4,000 copies.


To our friends, the canners and evaporators

of North America, we make a bow. Having had

some considerable experience in the canning and

evaporating business, we understand something

of their needs. " It is not all gold that glitters"

even in this part of the business world. Experience

is a fine thing; and a man who engages in

either one of these lines of business cannot have

too much, if it is the right kind. I know several,

however, who think they have a surplus, and

would like to trade it off cheap for cash. They

are not exactly free traders, but they believe in

reducing the surplus. By cautiously investigating

the cases, I have found that their surplus

believe in the homeopathic theory, " similia sim ilibus

curantur." There is nothing here to cause

uneasiness, however. Such men are found in all

lines of business; they tumble headlong into

business and when it fails to pan out as they expected,

they are just as anxious to tumble out

—sort of a "rolling stone" that Solomon, or

somebody, says "gathers no moss."

It is not our purpose to furnish an exhaustive

treatise on the art of canning or evaporating;

we are not competent for that, if we were inclined

—which we are not: You may find some suggestions

here, however, that you may be able to

modify and make of service.

The object of this work is to bring to your

notice and attention the new and old labor-saving

machines that have been brought out and

that are constantly being devised, to facilitate

the business and lessen the cost of manufacture.

Also to introduce to you those who deal in can ners'

and evaporators' supplies of all kinds from

a paring knife to a steam engine, and to furnish

the addresses of responsible dealers in the large


All the machinery advertised in these columns

havebeen thoroughly tested. We are personally

acquainted with most of the manufacturers and

their machines. The particular attention of

canners is called to the oil system of heating

coppers, which has been in use now three seasons,

with universal satisfaction. You can find

" Everything" here to equip your factory from

top to toe. All that we ask in return for this was considerably reduced already. Perhaps they

Buy Your Bottles of the Whitney tilass Works, 111 South Front St., Philadelphia, Fa.


service is that as often as you write these parties

you will mention this work. We do not expect

you to say : "We saw your advertisement in E.

D. Fisher's work, "Everything for Canners,"

but kindly, at the foot, or top, or side, or crosswise,

or somewhere, put the word " Sawfish.'' In

English, that means, "We saw your advertise ment,

etc., and it is also the copyrighted title of

our Cypher Code. This will enable our adver tisers

to get some idea of the value of these col umns

as an advertising medium. This isamod est

request and we trust you will not forget it.

The Cypher Code, we believe, will be a great

convenience and saving. It is used by all adver tisers

in this book and a great many others.

Bound in cloth and boards, price, $2.

If you have any machinery, new or old, that

you wish brought to the attention of the canners

and evaporators, or any labor saving -de vices,

or anything that would be of interest or

profit to' the fraternity, let us hear from you.


Our Canners' Directory (a list of the fruit and

vegetable canners) has now reached its fourth

edition. It is brought down to March 1, 1891;

a book of 125 pages, nicely bound, and has

about 2,500 addresses. It is carefully indexed

by states and places and divided as follows:

Fruits and Vegetable Canners, Green Corn Can ners,

Fish and Oyster Canners, Manufacturers

of Pickles, Jams, Jellies, etc., Pork and Beef

Packers. It is indorsed by the leading business

men and manufacturers of the country who have

used it for the past four years. Price, $5. It

will be sent to any address; remittance to be

made on receipt of same. Two extras will be is sued

in April and July, giving changes, new factories,

etc., and sent free to all subscribers. Ad dress

this office.


Through the wholesale grocers the great bulk

of canned and evaporated goods find their way

to the retail trade. To meet the requirements of

the trade we prepared a year ago a complete

list of all the wholesale grocers of the United

States. This is now being revised and reprinted

to bring it down to March 1, 1891. It is a book

of about 175 pages; contains the address of 2,-

500 wholesale grocers with street number in the

cities. It also gives the large dealers in these

lines of goods in the smaller places, say 5,000 to

10,000 population, distinctly separate from the

others. It gives the population of all the places;

it gives the banks in each place, and to meet

the general demand, we give a few leading gen eral

merchandise brokers and commission men

in the cities and larger places.

This book will be out of the press about the last

of April. Price, f 5.

We will send a copy to any responsible house,

payment to be made promptly on receipt of

same. Address this office.

Whitney Glass Works. Bottles lor Catsups, and Preserves, Jars of all Kinds.

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