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Sun-Cycles Blog

Education Manifesto
By Dan Youra July 22, 2019
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By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
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By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
C02 is Free C02 is Healthy C02 is Invisible C02 is Helpful C02 is Life Saving C02 is Odorless C02 is Inside Us C02 is Food
By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
Are you prepared? Do you want to prepare? Do you think that you should prepare? This website is not intended to prove or dispute the science of warming or cooling. A list of resources is linked to the science to help you get informed and make up your own mind. The purpose of this website is to help you adjust yourself and your lifestyle to accommodate to the climate changes, in order to increase your chances of surviving the threats currently positioned to overturn all aspects of your life. While you have been harangued, badgered and bullied for 30 years by the Global Warming Alarmists blaming you for causing global warming you weren’t being told about the real scientists who have been forecasting the exact opposite––the cooling of the planet caused by the sun. You should want to know your best strategies to survive the threats of the forecasted warming or cooling. Should you dab some extra sunblock on your nose? Or, should you put another pair of socks on your toes? The Global Warming Alarmists haven’t given you much advice on what exactly you should do to prepare for the impacts of their hot forecasts upon your life and the lives of your family and friends. They mostly advise you to move away from ocean shorelines to avoid being drowned by the rising seas. They also recommend that you adopt a polar bear and take a penguin to lunch. The cool scientists, on the other hand, show you charts of sunspots, diagrams of planetary orbits, and charts of historical freezes to explain projected drops in global temperatures and threats to the planet's food supply. Either way––hot or cold––today’s threats to the lives of every person on the plant are huge. The constant bombardment of bleak news stories forecasting our imminent demise by fire or ice has immediate and long term impacts on our psychological well being, our emotional stability, and our attitudes toward a future universally characterized by impending gloom and doom. To provide a structure on which we can explore the effects of our commonly shared PTSD, we reach into the closet and pull out a useful skeleton, upon which we can hang our most pressing questions regarding our shared dilemma. What do we need in order to survive the threats of hot air or cold shoulders? The skeleton liberated from the closet is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, developed in the 1940s by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow in a paper on “A Theory of Motivation.” Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs from basic bodily needs to higher needs of psychological fulfillment. Maslow stressed the importance of focusing on the positive qualities in people, as opposed to treating them as a "bag of symptoms." A Review of General Psychology survey, published in 2002, ranked Maslow as the tenth most cited psychologist of the 20th century.
By Dan Youra June 29, 2019
"Molly Cool" is an animated carbon dioxide molecule, who introduces viewers to the world of CO2.
By Dan Youra June 29, 2019
Professor Kool an internationally recognized expert on solar physics and effects on Earth caused by The Sun. In his 10 part lecture series, Professor Kool teaches the basic, scientific fundamentals on why The Sun is driving climate change on planet Earth.
By Dan Youra June 8, 2019
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By Dan Youra June 8, 2019
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By Dan Youra April 12, 2019
I'm saving up my CO2 to feed to a dinosaur when I meet one
By Dan Youra April 12, 2019
The global warming alarmists want to lay a guilt trip on you to make you feel guilty about causing global warming. Don't let them brainwash you. Reject their propaganda. Keep your own mind clear.
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Education Manifesto
By Dan Youra July 22, 2019
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By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
This BLOG's RSS Feed =
By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
C02 is Free C02 is Healthy C02 is Invisible C02 is Helpful C02 is Life Saving C02 is Odorless C02 is Inside Us C02 is Food
By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
Are you prepared? Do you want to prepare? Do you think that you should prepare? This website is not intended to prove or dispute the science of warming or cooling. A list of resources is linked to the science to help you get informed and make up your own mind. The purpose of this website is to help you adjust yourself and your lifestyle to accommodate to the climate changes, in order to increase your chances of surviving the threats currently positioned to overturn all aspects of your life. While you have been harangued, badgered and bullied for 30 years by the Global Warming Alarmists blaming you for causing global warming you weren’t being told about the real scientists who have been forecasting the exact opposite––the cooling of the planet caused by the sun. You should want to know your best strategies to survive the threats of the forecasted warming or cooling. Should you dab some extra sunblock on your nose? Or, should you put another pair of socks on your toes? The Global Warming Alarmists haven’t given you much advice on what exactly you should do to prepare for the impacts of their hot forecasts upon your life and the lives of your family and friends. They mostly advise you to move away from ocean shorelines to avoid being drowned by the rising seas. They also recommend that you adopt a polar bear and take a penguin to lunch. The cool scientists, on the other hand, show you charts of sunspots, diagrams of planetary orbits, and charts of historical freezes to explain projected drops in global temperatures and threats to the planet's food supply. Either way––hot or cold––today’s threats to the lives of every person on the plant are huge. The constant bombardment of bleak news stories forecasting our imminent demise by fire or ice has immediate and long term impacts on our psychological well being, our emotional stability, and our attitudes toward a future universally characterized by impending gloom and doom. To provide a structure on which we can explore the effects of our commonly shared PTSD, we reach into the closet and pull out a useful skeleton, upon which we can hang our most pressing questions regarding our shared dilemma. What do we need in order to survive the threats of hot air or cold shoulders? The skeleton liberated from the closet is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, developed in the 1940s by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow in a paper on “A Theory of Motivation.” Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs from basic bodily needs to higher needs of psychological fulfillment. Maslow stressed the importance of focusing on the positive qualities in people, as opposed to treating them as a "bag of symptoms." A Review of General Psychology survey, published in 2002, ranked Maslow as the tenth most cited psychologist of the 20th century.
By Dan Youra June 29, 2019
"Molly Cool" is an animated carbon dioxide molecule, who introduces viewers to the world of CO2.
By Dan Youra June 29, 2019
Professor Kool an internationally recognized expert on solar physics and effects on Earth caused by The Sun. In his 10 part lecture series, Professor Kool teaches the basic, scientific fundamentals on why The Sun is driving climate change on planet Earth.
By Dan Youra June 8, 2019
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By Dan Youra June 8, 2019
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By Dan Youra April 12, 2019
I'm saving up my CO2 to feed to a dinosaur when I meet one
By Dan Youra April 12, 2019
The global warming alarmists want to lay a guilt trip on you to make you feel guilty about causing global warming. Don't let them brainwash you. Reject their propaganda. Keep your own mind clear.
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Education Manifesto
By Dan Youra July 22, 2019
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By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
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By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
C02 is Free C02 is Healthy C02 is Invisible C02 is Helpful C02 is Life Saving C02 is Odorless C02 is Inside Us C02 is Food
By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
Are you prepared? Do you want to prepare? Do you think that you should prepare? This website is not intended to prove or dispute the science of warming or cooling. A list of resources is linked to the science to help you get informed and make up your own mind. The purpose of this website is to help you adjust yourself and your lifestyle to accommodate to the climate changes, in order to increase your chances of surviving the threats currently positioned to overturn all aspects of your life. While you have been harangued, badgered and bullied for 30 years by the Global Warming Alarmists blaming you for causing global warming you weren’t being told about the real scientists who have been forecasting the exact opposite––the cooling of the planet caused by the sun. You should want to know your best strategies to survive the threats of the forecasted warming or cooling. Should you dab some extra sunblock on your nose? Or, should you put another pair of socks on your toes? The Global Warming Alarmists haven’t given you much advice on what exactly you should do to prepare for the impacts of their hot forecasts upon your life and the lives of your family and friends. They mostly advise you to move away from ocean shorelines to avoid being drowned by the rising seas. They also recommend that you adopt a polar bear and take a penguin to lunch. The cool scientists, on the other hand, show you charts of sunspots, diagrams of planetary orbits, and charts of historical freezes to explain projected drops in global temperatures and threats to the planet's food supply. Either way––hot or cold––today’s threats to the lives of every person on the plant are huge. The constant bombardment of bleak news stories forecasting our imminent demise by fire or ice has immediate and long term impacts on our psychological well being, our emotional stability, and our attitudes toward a future universally characterized by impending gloom and doom. To provide a structure on which we can explore the effects of our commonly shared PTSD, we reach into the closet and pull out a useful skeleton, upon which we can hang our most pressing questions regarding our shared dilemma. What do we need in order to survive the threats of hot air or cold shoulders? The skeleton liberated from the closet is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, developed in the 1940s by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow in a paper on “A Theory of Motivation.” Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs from basic bodily needs to higher needs of psychological fulfillment. Maslow stressed the importance of focusing on the positive qualities in people, as opposed to treating them as a "bag of symptoms." A Review of General Psychology survey, published in 2002, ranked Maslow as the tenth most cited psychologist of the 20th century.
By Dan Youra June 29, 2019
"Molly Cool" is an animated carbon dioxide molecule, who introduces viewers to the world of CO2.
By Dan Youra June 29, 2019
Professor Kool an internationally recognized expert on solar physics and effects on Earth caused by The Sun. In his 10 part lecture series, Professor Kool teaches the basic, scientific fundamentals on why The Sun is driving climate change on planet Earth.
By Dan Youra June 8, 2019
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By Dan Youra June 8, 2019
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By Dan Youra April 12, 2019
I'm saving up my CO2 to feed to a dinosaur when I meet one
By Dan Youra April 12, 2019
The global warming alarmists want to lay a guilt trip on you to make you feel guilty about causing global warming. Don't let them brainwash you. Reject their propaganda. Keep your own mind clear.
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Solar Activity May 10, 2019

Dan Youra • June 8, 2019

Generally a rise in solar activity appears about 6 to 10 days before a planetary alignment. However when you get complex involvements with more than 2 planets, the alignments can happen over a wider span of time ranging from 10 days before to about 3 days afterwards. During a Solar MIN we get very small rises in solar activity if any at all. During a Solar MAX you will often get huge increases in the Sunspot Count, flares, flux, CME’s, overall radiance, etc. Counts have occasionally risen past 400. This fluctuation has an enormous impact on the Earth’s weather and the overall tenor of the various climate regimes. It also greatly influences the behavior of organic entities on the surface of the planet. Even human wars typically occur within the structure of the flow of the 11 year Solar Cycle from MIN to MAX and back again. Thus the wise have been paying attention to the Sun as far back as our understanding of our history goes.  

Standard Reference To Solar Activity: 

And also for the past month of Sunspots

Current Solar Activity Status: Solar activity dropped to zero on May 19, 2019 and remains there on a slowly rising flux of 69.2 with a LOW solar wind speed of 282-316 km/s.

This zero count corresponds with a lack of planetary alignments on the same Solar Longitude. The alignment of Mercury with Mars on May 30, 2019 failed to ignite any activity. Mercury usually induces some solar activity when it combines its electromagnetic draw upon the sun with another one of the inner planets. Mars is generally considered one of the inner planets but it failed this time around to bring forth any solar activity in combination with Mercury.

Another set of significant alignments occurs approximately June 9, 2019 involving Mercury and the Earth separately aligning with outer planets (see charts below). These doubleheaders are widely separated by over 120° of solar longitude and all the Sunspots may never appear on the same day’s count. They may come and go too fast. So who can guess what we will see but on the average I think the count will be pretty modest though it may be extended through a couple weeks of time.

So far this past few months, all of the prior prognostications for the synchronicity of Solar Activity with the movements of Mercury in and out of alignment with the other planets has been fairly accurate. However, we have one failure now with this alignment with Mars.

 “Coronal Holes”. [Major surges in the solar wind occur when the Sun’ s “ion cloud cover“ thins out in various spots and holes emerge. These electromagnetic holes allow a direct linear flow of ionic material out from the sun and through the entire planetary system. The flow of these ions create magnetic storm fronts which are attracted approximately to polar regions. When they enter the high levels of the Earth’s atmosphere, many effects are produced, including the famous “northern lights”.]

PLANETARY ALIGNMENTS (Helio gravity/em perspective, this is NOT astrology)
The alignments of the planets tend closely to define windows in which Solar Activity briefly surges. The surges are very minor when the Sun is in Solar MIN phase, the surges can be huge during Solar MAX phase. At the current time (2019 Solar MIN) the surges are minor and of little consequence on Earth. But they are worth following because the connection of Solar Activity with planetary alignments is easier to spot. There is far less “noise” in the system, making the influence stand out.

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Sun-Cycles Blog

Education Manifesto
By Dan Youra July 22, 2019
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By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
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By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
C02 is Free C02 is Healthy C02 is Invisible C02 is Helpful C02 is Life Saving C02 is Odorless C02 is Inside Us C02 is Food
By Dan Youra July 11, 2019
Are you prepared? Do you want to prepare? Do you think that you should prepare? This website is not intended to prove or dispute the science of warming or cooling. A list of resources is linked to the science to help you get informed and make up your own mind. The purpose of this website is to help you adjust yourself and your lifestyle to accommodate to the climate changes, in order to increase your chances of surviving the threats currently positioned to overturn all aspects of your life. While you have been harangued, badgered and bullied for 30 years by the Global Warming Alarmists blaming you for causing global warming you weren’t being told about the real scientists who have been forecasting the exact opposite––the cooling of the planet caused by the sun. You should want to know your best strategies to survive the threats of the forecasted warming or cooling. Should you dab some extra sunblock on your nose? Or, should you put another pair of socks on your toes? The Global Warming Alarmists haven’t given you much advice on what exactly you should do to prepare for the impacts of their hot forecasts upon your life and the lives of your family and friends. They mostly advise you to move away from ocean shorelines to avoid being drowned by the rising seas. They also recommend that you adopt a polar bear and take a penguin to lunch. The cool scientists, on the other hand, show you charts of sunspots, diagrams of planetary orbits, and charts of historical freezes to explain projected drops in global temperatures and threats to the planet's food supply. Either way––hot or cold––today’s threats to the lives of every person on the plant are huge. The constant bombardment of bleak news stories forecasting our imminent demise by fire or ice has immediate and long term impacts on our psychological well being, our emotional stability, and our attitudes toward a future universally characterized by impending gloom and doom. To provide a structure on which we can explore the effects of our commonly shared PTSD, we reach into the closet and pull out a useful skeleton, upon which we can hang our most pressing questions regarding our shared dilemma. What do we need in order to survive the threats of hot air or cold shoulders? The skeleton liberated from the closet is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, developed in the 1940s by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow in a paper on “A Theory of Motivation.” Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs from basic bodily needs to higher needs of psychological fulfillment. Maslow stressed the importance of focusing on the positive qualities in people, as opposed to treating them as a "bag of symptoms." A Review of General Psychology survey, published in 2002, ranked Maslow as the tenth most cited psychologist of the 20th century.
By Dan Youra June 29, 2019
"Molly Cool" is an animated carbon dioxide molecule, who introduces viewers to the world of CO2.
By Dan Youra June 29, 2019
Professor Kool an internationally recognized expert on solar physics and effects on Earth caused by The Sun. In his 10 part lecture series, Professor Kool teaches the basic, scientific fundamentals on why The Sun is driving climate change on planet Earth.
By Dan Youra June 8, 2019
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By Dan Youra June 8, 2019
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By Dan Youra April 12, 2019
I'm saving up my CO2 to feed to a dinosaur when I meet one
By Dan Youra April 12, 2019
The global warming alarmists want to lay a guilt trip on you to make you feel guilty about causing global warming. Don't let them brainwash you. Reject their propaganda. Keep your own mind clear.
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