Michael Well Mandeville has been a dedicated researcher in the fields of history, economics, archeology, egyptology, geology, and geophysics since he graduated from the University of Washington in 1970. An astute scientific observer of the forces shaping the earth, the sun, and the planetary system, Mandeville has made significant geophysical discoveries during his research:
1. some correlation of earthquake and volcanic phenomenon with the cycles in Chandler's Wobble (polar motion),
2. discovery of the X Wave driver of plate tectonics,
3. first demonstrated proof that volcanism creates El Nino,
4. discovery of the correlation of the X Wave Minimum with North Pacific Arc earthquakes,
5. first articulation of vortex plate tectonics,
6. first demonstrated method for recovery of ancient memories from old stories, myths, & legends,
7. first quantified proof of an anomalous worldwide trend of rapidly increasing tectonic activity and plate motion which persisted between 1968 and 2000 which subsequently plateaued during most of the period between 2000 and 2018.
This last observation correlates extremely well with the observed so-called warming and cooling measurements of the Earth.
Beginning in 2000, Mandeville created and authored the Earth Changes Bulletin Weekly Update Newsletter, plus other articles by other writers, about important changes in the Earth’s tectonic activity, climate patterns, and international political shifts as personally observed and annotated.
During the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, Mandeville wrote several business plans for various clients and analyzed for initial screening about 5000 business plans by entrepreneurs seeking capital. By 2000, Mandeville completed four years of research effort and published the "Return of the Phoenix" as a three volume set in paperback and on CD. He studied the hermetic and spiritual traditions and other areas to verify or disprove Edgar Cayce's psychic comments about the ancient past of predictions about the future. During the course of this research, made several unique scientific contributions, including several scientific discoveries and the achievement of an objective material score for the accuracy of a famous psychic, Edgar Cayce.