Comparison of Global Warming to Global Cooling

Global Warming

Global Cooling

Linear Extrapolations     vs.
Cause = Humans     vs.
Carbon Dioxide     vs.
Politically Motivated     vs.
No Warming Since 2000     vs.
Expect Impacts in 100 years     vs.
Unprecedented     vs.
No Prescriptions for Adaptation    vs.
Ratio Death from Heat = 1    vs.
Raise Taxes    vs.
Tax The "Culprits" Who Caused It    vs.
Contempt for All Humans    vs.
Everyone is Guilty    vs.
Lifestyle is the Cause    vs.
Polar Bears Are Threatened    vs.
Sea Levels Are Rising    vs.
Cyclical Projections
Cause = The Sun
Cosmic Rays
Health Motivated
Two 11-Year Cycles since 2000
Experience Impacts Now
Repeat of Previous Process
Adapt to Cooling Now
18 = from Cold
Raise Awareness
Assist The Victims Who Suffer
Concern for All Humans
Compassion For Elderly and Youth
Lifestyle Is Threatened
Polar Bears Are Threatening
Sea Levels Are Unchanged


Your Window of Time to Prepare is Closing. Get Informed NOW!

Are you prepared? Do you want to prepare? Do you think that you should prepare?

This website is not intended to prove or dispute the science of warming or cooling. A list of resources is linked to the science to help you get informed and make up your own mind.

The purpose of this website is to help you adapt yourself and your lifestyle to accommodate to the climate changes, in order to increase your chances of surviving the threats currently positioned to overturn all aspects of your life.

While you have been harangued, badgered and bullied for 30 years by the Global Warming Alarmists blaming you for causing global warming, you weren’t told about the real scientists who have been documenting and forecasting the exact opposite––the cooling of the planet caused, not humans, but by the sun. 

You should want to know your best strategies to survive the threats of the forecasted warming or cooling. Should you dab some extra sunblock on your nose? Or, should you put on another pair of socks on your toes?

The Global Warming Alarmists haven’t given you much advice on what exactly you should do to prepare for the impacts of their over heated forecasts upon your life and the lives of your family and friends. They mostly advise you to move away from ocean shorelines to avoid being drowned by the rising seas. They also recommend that you adopt a polar bear and take a penguin to lunch.

The cool scientists, on the other hand, show you charts of sunspots, diagrams of planetary orbits, and charts of historical freezes to explain projected drops in global temperatures and threats to the planet's food supply.

Either way––hot or cold––today’s threats to the lives of every person on the plant are huge. The constant bombardment of bleak news stories forecasting our imminent demise by fire or ice has immediate and long term impacts on our psychological well being, our emotional stability, and our attitudes toward a future universally characterized by impending gloom and doom.

To provide a structure on which we can explore the effects of our commonly shared PTSD, we reach into the closet and pull out a useful skeleton, upon which we can hang our most pressing questions regarding our shared dilemma. What do we need in order to survive the threats of hot air or cold shoulders?

The skeleton liberated from the closet is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, developed in the 1940s by the American psychologist Dr. Harold Maslow in a paper on “A Theory of Motivation.”

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a framework of psychological health predicated on the fulfillment of innate human needs from basic bodily needs to psychological fulfillment. Maslow stressed the importance of focusing on the positive qualities in people, as opposed to treating them as a "bag of symptoms." A Review of General Psychology survey, published in 2002, ranked Maslow as the tenth most cited psychologist of the 20th century.

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