by Dan Youra                           

We are in a Cold War. A new Cold War! Not the USA vs. SOVIETS Cold War. 

This new Cold War is just beginning.

The new Cold War is between the forces of NATURE and YOU. Yes, you! Jack Frost has your number. It's below zero. It's cold.  Deep Freezes are on the menu. The Arctic Blizzards are avalanching down from the North Pole? 

Freezing temperatures are breaking recent records and century-old records for EARLIEST SNOW, EARLIEST FREEZES, DEEPEST FREEZES and Most Crop Loses. You see more WINTER ADVISORIES! More SNOW ALERTS! Colder Polar Vortex!

The new Cold War is about Cold, as in temperature, freezing, and minus 30 degrees (-30 F) . This is the "cold" we are preparing for.

People are dying in this COLD WAR. Cold Kills! Hypothermia is killing young people and old people. Men and women. Learn the common sense precautions to take to defend one's own life and the lives of friends and family members.

A woman stepped outside her house on a freezing cold night. She forgot her house key and could't get back inside. She died on her porch.

Victims of the Cold War are being tallied in Arizona and Mississippi, states not known as cold killers.

An elderly man froze to death in his swing, where he was found in the morning still holding his bottle.

In the past two months, hypothermia killed a student, a college athlete, and a teacher.

The Cold is insidious. It does not discriminate. It can sneak up on you at a moment when you are unprepared and take your life.

Continue . . .  Cold War Deaths


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"The modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling for 30 years from 2020 to 2053. This global cooling can offset for three decades any signs of global warming and would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth."

Valentina Zharkova (2020) The Watchers 9-2-2020

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