Youra Books

Dan Youra Cartoon Books on Political Climate and Politics of Climate

Youra's cartoons are reviewed as "witty," "entertaining," and "sometimes acerbic"

Total 68 cartoons and 68 links to climate studies

Look. Here Is The Deal and C(lie)mate Chains


Here is the Deal

Satire on Politics of Climate

Both books are riddled with political caricatures.
The word caricature comes from Italian, where it means "a cartridge, clip, magazine, bomb"

"Youra's caricatures can fill an arsenal"


Youra's political cartoons are reviewed as

"acerbic"  •  "satiric"  •  "sardonic"



Satire on Political Climate

Look Here Is The Deal

"Global Whatever"



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With Youra "No topic Is off limits"

"Look. Here Is The Deal"

"global warming vs. global cooling"

Dan Youra

    Don't think this is simply a comic book. Yes, it is that

but it is so much more. This is a frontal assault on the lies, deceptions, and idiocy of the CO2 Global Warning cult.

   40 pages of links to research reports by 1,000's of scientific experts on why the global warming scare fizzled out.

   40 caricatures of politicians by cartoonist Dan Youra satirizing government leaders playing out their roles in the Idiotic Panel and Climate Charade IPCC.

   Each page features a link to evidence-based studies.

Purchasers of the book from Amazon receive a BONUS download of the book to access the valuable links



ORDER paperback from AMAZON $10

(Purchasers of Amazon book receive FREE download copy.)

Back Cover – Look. Here Is The Deal


"links to hundreds of anti-warming studies"

"a scholarly work disguised as a book of cartoons"

"an effective bullet in the arsenal of anti-warming warriors"

"a satiric repudiation of the climate lies foisted by US politicians on gullible populations"

C(lie)mate Chains

"The lies that enslave us"



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Cartoons are "satiric and acerbic"

"C(lie)mate Chains"

"the lies that enslave us"


Dan Youra

The word climate is not spelled with a "lie" in it. However, when you hear the word spoken, you can hear the "lie" in it. The quotes in this book are from the spoken words of political leaders. You can hear the "lies" in all of them.

The phrase "climate change" has lost its meaning. It is alway changing. Dah! The word "chains" replaces "change." Chains are "shackles to enslave us." "C(lie)mate Chains are "the lies that enslave us."

Is this a comic book or another nail in the coffin of climate hysteria? Yes.

The educational value of the book comes from the many links to reports by scientific experts. Purchasers of the book from Amazon receive a BONUS download of the book to access the valuable links



ORDER paperback from AMAZON $10

(Purchasers of Amazon book receive FREE download copy.)

Back Cover – C(lie)mate Chains


"Youra says it like it is. Calls a lie a lie"

"the list of anti-warming links can free the masses brainwashed by the global warming cult"

"you wouldn't want to be Youra target"

"Unusual title is a creative way of getting attention and creative caricatures are ways to holding it"

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