Class Action RICO











          John Doe and hundreds of millions other John and Jane Doe's, who are residents of the United States of America and, but no limited to, 150 other nations, which are members of the United Nations and specifically of the   United Nations Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change   (IPCC).

        Plaintiff                                                                                       CASE No.:     XXXXXXXXXX


        Co-Defendants                                                                        COMPLAINT

Al Gore, capo

James Hansen, NASA

Bill Nye , The Science Guy

Michael Mann,

And, other individuals to be named,

Public and Private Universities, Administrators and Professors   that received US government funding to study global warming and climate change purportedly and allegedly caused by CO2 and the behavior of human beings;

Nonprofit Organizations   that received US government funding to study global warming allegedly caused by CO2 and the behavior of human beings;

School Districts, Teachers, and Teachers Unions   that designed courses and taught to students on subjects of global warming and climate change allegedly caused by CO2 and the behavior of human beings;

State and Local governments   that received US government funding to fund local implementation of global warming policies caused by CO2 and the behavior of human beings;

United States Federal Government   1.) legislative branches that budget for disseminate public monies to study global warming and 2.) executive agencies that enforce the laws passed by legislative bodies;

International, National and Local Media,   electronic and print, such as, but not limited to, CNN, CNBC, PBS, CBS, NBC, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times and others who influenced, propagandized, and indoctrinated their audiences in the spurious news and analyses of global warming as propagated by the governments who fed them press releases and interviews on the topic of global warming and climate change.



1.     Plaintiffs John Doe and Jane Doe are individuals and residents of United States of America.

2.     Defendants are public corporations, nonprofit corporations, foundations, governments, government agencies, and individuals, which, at the time of the complaint, were residents of the United States of America.

3.         AL GORE   . On or about April 25, 1997, Al Gore, Co-Defendant, then vice president of the United States and chairman of the Council on Sustainable Development directed the Council "   to not debate the science of global warming   [emphasis added], but should instead focus on the implementation of national and local greenhouse gas reduction policies and activities." Thus began the global warming deception, institutional lying, misrepresentation, charade, and fraud.

4.     Al Gore released his movie,   An Inconvenient Truth   , on May 24, 2006, which showed graphic images of the apocalyptic consequences of the warming of the planet allegedly caused by human's use of fossil fuels. The compelling propaganda played a major role in frightening an entire generation of young and impressionable students about the future, causing young people and many parents to feel guilty about their supposed role in destroying the planet. They were urged not to drive cars powered by fossil fuels or use fossil fuel energy to heat their homes. Gore urged the gullible to convert from coal, oil and natural gas to renewable energy sources such as wind power and solar power as the only energy sources capable of saving the planet.

5.       JAMES HANSEN    . On June 23, 1988, James Hansen, Co-Defendant, and a NASA official at the time, appeared before Congress to warn of the impending death of planet earth due to global warming, if humans did not immediately cease their dependance on fossil fuels to end global warming.

6.          BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY.    Bill Nye The Science Guy, Co-Defendant, an individual, is representative of media personalities, commentators, and program celebrities, who act as disciples of the Gore and government movement, disseminating Gore's and the government's propaganda to unaware and unsuspecting audiences throughout the United States.

7.         UNIVERSITIES, UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATORS AND PROFESSORS. Hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of dollars, were accepted by university administrators and professors, Co-Defendants, from the United States government to study global warming. Funds were spent on   in situ   research and traveling throughout the world to study global warming.

8.         NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS   . NonProfit Organizations, Co-Defendants, accepted from the Federal Government and distributed among themselves funds for the study of global warming. Funds were spent on research, conferences, meetings and travels throughout the world to study global.

9.         TEACHERS, SCHOOLS, SCHOOL  DISTRICTS, AND TEACHERS UNIONS.   These educational organizations and individuals designed and implemented school courses to propagate and disseminate the contrived doctrine of global warming to students of all ages from pre school through graduate school.

9.         STATE, COUNTY, CITY AND OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENTS   . These governments received funds and directives from the federal United States government to implement policies at the state and local levels in accordance with the accepted global warming policies of the federal government.

10.       FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND ITS AGENCIES   . The United States Federal Government, Co-Defendant, collected money in the form of taxes from the citizens, tax payers of the United States into their budgets for their own expenses and distributed the tax payers' monies among its agencies and the other Co-Defendants.

11.       NATIONAL and LOCAL ELECTRONIC AND PRINT MEDIA   . Mass media networks and organizations, both private and public, Co-Defendants, broadcasted the global warming propaganda to the citizens of the United States and of the world.

12.       SOCIAL MEDIA COMPANIES, especially, but not limited to social media companies, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Google, APPLE, and others who implemented and enforced policies proscribing global warming doctrines and that, on the other hand, enforced policies censoring their users who violated the doctrines of global warming and free speech as interpreted by themselves.



Plaintiffs bring forth the following counts and allegations supporting their cause of action:


U.S. Code § 371.   Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud citizens of the United States. If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against citizens of the United States, or to defraud citizens of the United States, or any other persons, thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. Proponents of global warming designated as defendants in this complaint are hereby charged with collusion and conspiring to create and implement a series of lies and deceptions around the knowingly contrived and fabricated hoax of global warming for the purpose of (1.) extracting funds in the form of taxes from tax paying citizens, both private and corporate, and (2) enforcing behavioral changes upon life styles of all citizens, private and corporate, in accordance with the demands of the governments, federal, state, and local to purportedly reduce the output of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2), which again, were purportedly deleterious to the environment and the life of the planet, thereby enabling the governments and their agencies to enforce draconian laws, which placed the blame for global warming and threat to the environment solely upon the citizens themselves, both individual and corporate, and enabling the government agencies to enforce restrictive laws, curtailing the rights and freedoms of said citizens.


Under the   Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the   RICO Act   or simply   RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and in a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an organization involved in ongoing criminal activity. The RICO Act focuses specifically on racketeering and allows the leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes they ordered others to do or assisted them in doing. Such crimes in this case were engaged in by powerful organizations, such as the United States Federal Government and agencies thereof, Teachers Labor Unions and others, which directed their employees and/or members to carry out the knowingly erroneous and/or deceptive policies designed to mislead their publics in extensive lies and distortions around the contrived teaching and policies of global warming.

Criminal RICO Cases.   Defendants have taken part in racketeering activity related to the fraudulent propagation of global warming myths with the purpose of extorting and blackmailing unsuspecting publics for the purpose of extracting money for the enrichment of the defendants in this case. The defendants engaged in mail and wire fraud in the perpetration of their crimes, which fall under the criminal RICO statutes.

Crimes of this nature are “predicate” offenses, and for the authorities to charge someone under criminal RICO law. Defendants have committed "predicate" offenses, perpetrated upon the same individuals, private and corporate, within a span of 10 years. The business referred to here is a crucial element of RICO crimes. The offending defendants are organizations, such as unions, associations, and governments. Defendants judged guilty of criminal RICO violations face imprisonment of 20 years and significant financial penalties.

Civil RICO Cases.   Plaintiffs successful in finding a guilty verdict against the defendants in civil RICO cases can win treble damages. Plaintiffs in this case shall prove to be able to prove:

  1. Criminal Activity – the defendants committed a series of RICO crime. Regarding the allegations of fraud, the plaintiffs are confident of the success and expect the court to ensure a thorough investigation of the matter before making a decision.
  2. Pattern of Criminal Activity – The plaintiffs shall show that the defendants committed a pattern of at least two crimes. Patterns shall include crimes against the same victim and the employment of the same methods used to commit the crimes or that the crimes happened within the same year.
  3. The Statute of Limitations on these civil RICO cases shall be determined to be within four years, which starts to run the moment the plaintiffs discovered the damages, thereby enabling the plaintiffs to pursue damages.



§ 2635.101 Basic Obligation of Public Service.

Public service is a public trust. Employees of governments and academic organizations receiving funds from governments, have violated their responsibility to the United States Government and its citizens to place loyalty to the Constitution, laws and ethical principles above private gain. Citizen have lost trust and in government and academic organizations, because employees have violated the public trust and have not adhered to the principles of ethical conduct set forth in this section, as well as the implementing standards contained in this part and in supplemental agency regulations.


The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). Children, as a class of plaintiffs in this case, have especially suffered the most by the actions of the defendants. The actions have included, but are not limited to, fraudulent educational practices, forced education on the topic of global warming, whereby the children as students have been subjected to a one sided, biased, and materially false education on the topic of global warming, to the exclusion of an contrary viewpoints on global physics. Abusers will be charged under willful violations toward children under the statutes of The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), passed by the federal government in 1974 and reauthorized in 2010, is the largest body of legislation with regard to the fair, ethical, and legal treatment of children and is intended to keep them free from all forms of abuse including physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological.


The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment   says, No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification for torture. Ref.   Brainwashing and Re-Indoctrination Programs.   The treatment of citizens by the government and co-defendants with regard to the deliberately deceptive education on global warming, the lies about human caused global warming, the imposition of comprehensive behavioral changes upon citizens causing financial and psychological hardships, the fraudulent misrepresentations perpetrated by defendants upon citizens with regard to their causation of global warming, and the extortion and blackmail of citizens for the purposes of extracting their private monies in the form of taxes constitute flagrant, conscious, deliberate and illegal crimes of torture and the perpetration of degrading treatment and punishment, which have been consistent and ongoing for three decades.


Defendants have violated and continue to violate the free speech rights of citizens who have and continue to express opposing points of view on the subject of global warming, perceived by the defendants as contrary to their fraudulent, fabricated and fictitious claims regarding global warming. Any persons expressing views contrary to the contrived doctrine and dogma propagated and disseminated by the global warming advocates is punished by the citizens' exclusion from research projects and funds for studies into climate change that is different than or contrary to the prevailing paradigm pushed by the adherents of the global warming myth.


The defendants have leveled decades-long policies and behaviors of fraud, blackmail and extortion upon the plaintiffs in deliberately deceiving the plaintiffs with the intent of causing damage. This damage has been in the form of physical damages and financial damages.



The defendants have leveled decades-long policies and behaviors of fraud, blackmail and extortion upon the plaintiffs in deliberately deceiving the plaintiffs with the intent of causing damage. This damage has been in the form of physical damages and financial damages.




The plaintiffs do hereby enumerate a series of damages suffered at the hands of the defendants in deliberately deceiving the plaintiffs with the intent of causing damages, which damages have been painfully suffered and endured by the plaintiffs in the form of physical damages, psychological damages and financial damages, enumeration below, but not limited to:

Financial Damages.

1.) Annual loss of personal income paid in taxes collected by federal government for global warming as a percentage of total annual income taxes.

2.) Percentage of transportation taxes for automobile travel levied on fossil fuels collected by federal, state, and local governments.

3.)Annual increases in cost of electricity as a percentage of home heating levied to discourage coal and gas to heat home.

4.) Increased prices for food to cover increases in costs of production passed on by food producers for their global warming induced costs rises.

5.) Lost opportunity costs for personal income transferred from discretionary income to global warming caused increase in consumer goods.

6.) Lost opportunity costs for personal income unavailable for investing due to demands on it from increased global warming taxes and prices.

7.) Loss of potential financial returns on investments for non realized gains due to global warming taxes and prices.

Increased prices of transportation costs due to increased global warming taxes incurred by transportation of consumer goods.

8.) Financial loses from being forced to incorporate new, allegedly environmentally friendly technology proscribed due to global warming.

Psychological Damages.

1.) Tremendous guilt suffered by adults, young adults, and children accused by global warming promoters of being the cause of global warming.

2.) All encompassing shame for being the cause of the demise of the planet due to alleged human caused climate changes

3.) Psychological inferiority of not being able to afford an electric vehicle and other alleged environmentally friendly consumer products.All encompassing Shame for being the cause of the demise of the planet due to alleged human caused climate change.

4.) Psychological inferiority of not being able to afford an electric vehicle and other alleged environmentally friendly consumer products.

5.) Anxiety, especially in school age children, for the continuing existence of planet earth due to climate change fear mongering by media.

5.) Societal pressure to conform to new allegedly more environmentally preferred behavior, such as recycling one's household waste.

Physical Damages.

1.) Damage to personal health caused by stress from the societal pressures to conform to changes demanded by proponents of climate change.

2.) Outdoor views are changed by large windmills on the horizon as a result of alleged global warming.

The view of the sky is dominated at times by many white streaks from jets spraying chemicals in efforts known as geo-engineering.

3.) Colleges and Universities have become dominated by social justice warriors chiding people for not acknowledging global warming.

WHEREFORE   , Plaintiff seeks compensatory damages in the amount of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000,000,000) together with attorney fees and court costs.

Dated this first day of January, 2021









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