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Carbon taxes come in many disguises: carbon levies, carbon footprints, carbon offsets, carbon credits, carbon leases, carbon trades, and net zero. Their names make them sound like they are gracious, altruistic, and magnanimous gifts that every citizen of the planet would happily offer as a tribute to the good gods of Gaia and as an appeasement to the cursed Carbon gods.
These variations of carbon contrivances, i.e. footprints, offsets, credits, etc. are really nothing more than marked cards in the decks of magicians. Far from being altruistic gifts to Gaia, the carbon, money-making gimmicks are shape shifting chameleons, which, by no matter what name they are labeled, are still most commonly recognized as Taxes.
Through the ages, kings, dictators, and modern peoples' governments conjure a plethora of tricks by which they are able to pilfer the pockets and purses of the peasantry. The ruler of the land may have many names for the money machinations by which to fill the treasury of the castle. The subjects of the land, on the other hand, only know that payments to governments are taxes. Government caused inflation is a tax. Mandates for more expensive behavior are taxes.
"Taxes by any other names are still taxes."
A carbon tax is a form of pollution tax. Unlike classic command and control regulations, which explicitly limit or prohibit emissions by each individual polluter, a carbon tax aims to allow market forces to determine the most efficient way to reduce pollution. A carbon tax is an indirect tax—a tax on a transaction—as opposed to a direct tax, which taxes income.
Carbon tax - Wikipedia
A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, place or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO 2 e). Greenhouse gases, including the carbon-containing gases carbon dioxide and methane, can be emitted through the burning of fossil fuels, land clearance and the production and consumption of food, manufactured ... Wikipedia
A carbon offset is a reduction or removal of emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases made in order to compensate for emissions made elsewhere. Offsets are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent. One ton of carbon offset represents the reduction or removal of one ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases. Wikipedia
A carbon credit is a generic term for any tradable certificate or permit representing the right to emit a set amount of carbon dioxide or the equivalent amount of a different greenhouse gas. Carbon credits and carbon markets are a component of national and international attempts to mitigate the growth in concentrations of greenhouse gases. Wikipedia
This is where the Climate Lease excels and becomes a highly effective tool for net zero companies carbon goals but also society's biodiversity goals at large. Using the Climate Lease, the $100M example can mobilize $1B to $2B of capital now! Yes, $1,000,000,000 to $2,000,000,000 of capital now! Climate Lease
Carbon trade is the buying and selling of credits that permit a company or other entity to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. The carbon credits and the carbon trade... Carbon Trade
Carbon Trading Exchange, Purchase and Cancel Carbon Credits. We understand offsetting is a last resort and every effort should be to reduce emissions businesses and industries, but if you need to offset, we ensure you have the world's most responsible options available. Carbon Trade Exchange
Net zero means cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere, by oceans and forests for instance... Net Zero - United Nations
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